How to tap into your subconscious, from a hypnotherapist

Do you know the real one you inside of you? Maybe you’ve read about it or felt the duality inside, times when you feel like there are two of you, inside of you. You might remember feeling like one part of you wants to do something the other won’t. These qualities are what I call your consciousness and subconscious minds.

The subconscious mind sits just below (below) the surface of your conscious mind. It’s our undercurrent and is home to things like our emotions, memories, instinctual impulses, and primary guidelines for survival. I compare the subconscious to our 8 year old selves. The part of us that is fearless and true to our nature: wise beyond its years. The psyche is the part of us that has infinite wisdom but doesn’t understand or care about how the world works. Instead, he lives in daydreams, hope, future possibilities, and keeps a connection with the present, all at the same time.

So what does this mean in practical everyday use? Well, think of it as a guide that you might not even know you have. Think about the moment you misplace something around the house: even if you can’t find it right away, your subconscious has recorded where you left it. It can also take you to the things you want: for example, when you can’t find a parking space in a crowded shopping mall, try to relax in the larger knowledge of the subconscious mind; you can see one open.

It can also help show you which relationships might be the best fit for you. When you first meet someone, rely on your mental power to send you positive or negative signals. It often comes in the form of a hunch, an inner knowing that you can’t quite put your finger on. If you find yourself in a time of transition or challenges, think about what your subconscious is telling you; it is often the voice that you have missed.

You might also think of your subconscious as your biological hard drive, the registered database for all that is “you.” We may consciously know that we should give up an unhealthy habit, deal with stress, or go to the gym more often, but the limits of the conscious mind can only guide us so far. This is where it helps to engage in practices that help you access your subconscious so that your true self can guide you.

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