Meet The Multifaceted Selena Joy Lovett With Host Natalie Sist 09/15 by Starz Psychics Network


Selena Joy Lovett, is a psychic medium, Reiki Master, mindfulness practitioner and life coach, trained in Chinese medicine, CBT counseling (cognitive behavioral therapy) and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).

She works with the Tarot to guide seekers on a journey of enlightenment, helping them release any negative energy preventing them from achieving their goals.

Selena had the chance to study with Lisa Williams, Tony Stockwell and Kerry Standfast in Psychic Development and Mediumship. Selena will listen to your aura to gain insight and information about your life and future so that she can give you insight and advice on certain issues in your life and give you the knowledge to move forward. and achieve your goals.

Mediumship readings are meant to connect with your loved ones in spirit, to receive evidence, messages, and guidance. Bring you comfort, closure and healing.

After tarot helped her through difficult times, Lovett decided to study this tool more in depth and then share her insights with others. Specifically, the Journey to Enlightenment Tarot is intended to “… help users deal with their problems and blockages so that they can manifest their future”. She presents some basics of tarot as well as ideas for some spreads to use, then gives the nuts and bolts of the game in the accompanying guide.

Each card has a description of the meanings associated with the card and then a section titled Journey to Enlightenment where specific ways of using the card’s energy are given. For each, three words summarize the meaning of the card. The minor arcana or pips are given equal time and space allowing them to take their rightful place in the overall direction that the tarot can offer. BOOK / BRIDGE:

The Tarot of the Voyage of Lights: the alchemy to break your blockages and transform you – February 16, 2021

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