Ministries work together to improve firefighter safety

  • By Liu Tzu-hsuan / Editor, with CNA

The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Labor yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to improve the safety of firefighters on duty.

The National Fire Agency of the Department of the Interior has partnered with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the Department of Labor and the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health to provide additional protection to firefighters and take care of their physical and mental health.

The MOU was signed by Vice Minister of Interior Chen Tsung-yen (陳宗彥), Vice Minister of Labor Wang Shang-chih (王尚志) and Director General of the National Fire Agency Hsiao Huan-chang (蕭煥章).

Photo courtesy of Kinmen County Fire Bureau via CNA

Chen said he hoped the cooperation could help create a safe working environment for firefighters, since their work, such as disaster relief and first aid, is high risk.

Caring for them is important work, he added.

According to the memorandum of understanding, which was drafted with reference to US standard NFPA1500 – Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety, Health and Wellness Program – enhanced firefighting equipment and training would be provided, it said. he declares.

The National Fire Agency has been communicating with local governments in hopes of resolving the overtime issue by the end of this year, an issue that was highlighted in Constitutional Interpretation No. 785, it said. -he declares.

Wang expressed his hope that firefighters, who are not protected by the Occupational Safety and Health Law (職業安全衛生法), can “live safe, be safe and feel safe” in the framework. protection mechanism based on the memorandum of understanding.

The agency also presented the results of its efforts to promote a safe workplace for firefighters, including a disaster relief safety manual, firefighting training materials, a safety data for disaster relief workers and a support program for firefighters with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). .

He provided detailed information on various disasters that can be caused by different raw materials and products in high-tech factories to expand the knowledge of firefighters.

He also signed an open contract for the PTSD Support Program, which provides services to firefighters who have witnessed serious accidents and helps transfer them to professional counseling or medical institutions.

The agency said it would cooperate with the Teacher Chang Foundation to hold stress tests and group or individual counseling sessions at fire units across the country.

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