The Bachelor Australia 2021: Face reading expert Marie Chandler on Harry, Meghan, ScoMo, Jenny, JLo, Ben, Karl and Jasmine


After assessing the final baccalaureate candidates, a face reading expert shares her take on some of Australia’s most famous couples.

Facial reading is a skill that, if honed correctly, can allow you to look deep into someone’s soul and connect with them on a level beyond what they are presenting to the world – in the world. – beyond his defense mechanisms – and to see through the story that he himself tells himself.

This is how facial reading expert Marie Chandler explains her unique job. The qualified master practitioner and teacher in facial reading, psychosomatic therapy, and neurolinguistic programming recently appeared on The Bachelor to provide insight into the compatibility of Jimmy Nicholson and The Late Women.

“Face reading is about helping people discover themselves, nurturing their shadow beyond shame and guilt to align and integrate the two selves that reside within them so that they become whole,” says Chandler.

“The skeletal structure of the face shows the model of the soul and the flesh shows the response to the environment as experiences that shape our world. The body is reflected in the face and each feature shows your individual characteristics.

“When I read someone, it’s about connection because that’s all everyone really wants – to connect with another and to connect with yourself and the opportunity to be seen for who they are. feel really deep in themselves.

“You can see the embodied emotions of what you still hold onto from the past – that’s why your bio is written all over your face. ”

Ahead of Thursday’s Bachelor Finals – where we’ll see how Nicholson used Chandler’s expert advice – we asked him to give an overview of some famous couples.


Harry’s hairline has a very distinctive rounded widow’s peak. This separation between his mental and emotional sides means that he can emotionally sense meaning in a situation, and then logically determine an outcome that he desires, but which may not lead to the same.

He has an inner conflict to determine which to go with and must learn to integrate his thoughts and emotions to find that inner peace he so deeply desires.

Harry has great breadth in these characteristics and is a humanitarian at heart and his wide jaw provides him with the stamina to get things done.

They bond through deep emotional wounds, as shown by the excess tissue under their eyes, and are a source of strength for each other. Since they both share such a strong nose, they are comfortable with who they are.

Meghan has deep lines of success in the physical part of her face and the base of her nose shows her speech diplomacy as she thinks before she speaks and chooses her words very carefully. Meghan’s sensitivity needs reassurance from Harry.


Jasmine Stefanovic’s super femininity, as seen by the curvature of her face, balances well with the strong square features of her husband Karl.

His two main areas (mind and emotions) balance well with his (mind and physical), meaning they both encounter issues from different spaces – his structured approach to problem solving matches her creative ideas – and as she brings her heart and soul into a project, he can help bring it to fruition and handle the practicalities, well balanced with her sensitivity as seen in their chin and face. lower part of their face.

They both have strong noses and get straight to the point and are happy for each other to share the limelight.

Karl says what he thinks and sometimes can act before he thinks and overall he has a wonderful heart and soul. He cares deeply about the people in his life. Jasmine’s open eyes (heart) pull Karl out of his frantic focus in order to balance and soothe the relationship.


Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck both have brilliant minds where he can bring more structure to his creative ideas, as you can see on their different fronts.

She offers a lot of care for him as evidenced by her wide open eyes and sensitive, but well rounded chin, as he can be quite harsh on himself – her upper lids cover his eyes, so that his thoughts weigh deep in. his heart.

JLo speaks freely while at times Ben can hold back, as seen with their mouths. He is a great listener as can be seen with his ears in his mental and physical areas and a very deep thinker. As he learns to share his deepest thoughts, they connect and share a deep bond.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his wife Jenny both have high ideals, as evidenced by the height of their faces.

They have strong lines which means they live by their own rules and can have a structured approach to life. The PM’s emotional zone is very small and he is pragmatic in his thinking, while Jenny balances it with her cheeks full because she is very caring. She is a strong and independent woman who knows how to get by in the relationship.

Jenny is very trustworthy and can easily put her thoughts into action. His thoughtful heart and intense intellect maintain their balance.

The Bachelor Australia final, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on the 10th

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