UNHCR Turkey Operational Update, October 2021 – Turkey

Key figures (as of October 28, 2021)

4 million refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey, including more than 3.7 million Syrians under temporary protection and more than 330,000 holders of international protection status and asylum seekers of other nationalities. While 98.6% of Syrian refugees live in Turkey in 81 provinces, 1.4% are accommodated in seven temporary accommodation centers managed by the Presidency of Migration Management.

So far, 8,400 refugees have been screened for resettlement in 14 countries in 2021. More than 5,900 refugees have left for resettlement in 13 countries, of which 74% were Syrians and 15% Afghans.

54,700 calls received on the UNHCR counseling line in October. There is an almost 50% decrease in the total number of calls received from September. Most of the callers, the Syrian majority (52%) followed by Afghan nationals (23%). inquired about resettlement options followed by financial assistance. Of these, 2,900 calls went through the UNHCR gender-based violence line.

On October 27, UNHCR signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Family and Social Services to formalize the long-standing partnership between the two entities in protecting vulnerable groups in need of social services and assistance. After the signing ceremony, Minister Derya Yanık tweeted about the meeting with UNHCR and how revealing it is about the importance of Turkey’s accountability to asylum seekers which would require further support from the part of international organizations and the public, hoping that the memorandum of cooperation signed with UNHCR would be beneficial for refugees to overcome the challenges they face. UNHCR has cooperated with the Ministry of Family and Social Services and its social service centers over the years through logistical and personal support. The commitment covers services provided by branches within the ministry, including those focused on family and community services, child protection, refugees with disabilities, older refugees, violence against women and gender-based violence.

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