Yoga vs. Pilates: which one is right for you?

Will build a leaner body

“As Joseph Pilates himself once said, ‘After ten hours of Pilates you will feel the difference, after 20 hours you will see the difference, and after 30 hours you will have a new body. Pilates is a fitness technique – it improves muscle tone and can dramatically change the shape of your body if practiced regularly.By working deep muscles, as well as often underused muscles, Pilates is extremely effective at toning. Of course, it depends on how often you train and the intensity, but if you push yourself and put in the maximum effort, you will see results.You can literally lose a layer or two of your body. To see results with Pilates, you have to be honest with yourself. Is your workout really making you work? Are you sweating? Do you feel the intensity of your workout or do you cross it? s quickly? – Korin NolanPilates instructor and founder of Power Pilates France

Is more fluid

“Yoga and Pilates help improve overall body flexibility, strength and mobility, as well as work with the breath. The main difference is that yoga tends to hold stretches and positions (some of which are very physically demanding, such as backbends and handstands), while Pilates is about continuous movement and focuses on building a core. solid from which to work. – Korin

Can support recovery

“Joseph Pilates created the Pilates system in the 1920s to rehabilitate bedridden soldiers during World War I. It has come a long way since then, but it is still used to build strength, especially after injury. Classes usually take place slowly enough that students can pay close attention to what they are doing, and the exercises can be easily modified.Pilates considers the functioning of the body as a whole by correcting muscle imbalances, improving posture, by teaching good movement patterns and strengthening the deep stabilizing muscles around our pelvis and spine, which tend to be responsible for lower back and groin pain.– Minnie

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