What You Think Is What You Become – The Power of Neurolinguistics – Features – The Guardian Nigeria News – Nigeria and World News

Ronke, who is an only child, was only 17 when she witnessed the first physical fight between her parents. The fighting continued for several months and eventually led to her parents divorce. Divorce had a negative effect on

Ronke and as a result, she began to withdraw from the rest of her family. Ronke’s mother never understood what was wrong with her daughter and always viewed her as a “problem child”.

Ronke performed poorly in school due to his inability to concentrate. Her results were very poor and because of this she was transferred several times to different schools. She eventually graduated and traveled to Canada for her university degree.

After graduating from university, Ronke was able to get a well-paying job. When asked about marriage, Ronke always said that she had no plans to get married right now and always wanted to take her time.

Ronke at 35 was struggling to stay in a committed relationship. She constantly attracted the same type of men – who physically / emotionally abused her or serial cheaters. It affected her self-confidence and self-esteem and she often felt like she wasn’t good enough.

Desperate to find a solution, Ronke took to the internet for help and came across the page of a certified life coach and a qualified psychotherapist. After reading Coach’s reviews, she made an appointment with him. During their sessions, Ronke went through a series of processes to cope with the trauma of his childhood, his past experiences and began the journey to healing, forgiveness and letting go.

At one point, the coach applied Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques because Ronke had limiting beliefs and barriers, which affected his choice of men, his self-esteem, his self-worth, and his life as a result. general. Various coaching tools were also used in order to move Ronke from her current state to where she wanted to be. Today Ronke is better than before. She now has a healthy relationship with her family and good self-esteem. She is open to engagement again and will find someone in due course.

Ronke is where she is today with the help of a life coach and psychotherapist, who have used different tools, one of them being Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is the systematic study of thoughts (Neuro), Language (Linguistics) and scripts that direct our lives (Programming). NLP is about understanding and developing the mind. It is all about understanding the language of the mind, how it is designed to function, and how it is shaped by our personal experiences. It is the study of our subjective reality. Our mind, when understood, influences everything from relationships, communication with friends, clients, and personal outcomes in life. Here are some areas of life an individual can apply NLP.

1. FOR PERSONAL EFFICIENCY AND SELF-MASTERY: To be consistently successful in life, work, and business in Nigeria today and around the world, you must have “playing excellence”. Your success depends on your personal effectiveness and your self-control. Consistent success and competitive leverage requires you to stay motivated, exceed standards, and overcome all barriers. NLP is a phenomenal mind / body connection tool that helps you gain control over your thoughts, self-esteem / self-confidence, emotions, beliefs, work, business, and life.

2. IN RELATIONSHIPS (MARRIAGES): Recent statistics hold a bleak future for marriages and romantic relationships. With 1 in 2 marriages worldwide ending in divorce and 7 in 10 marriages in Nigeria ending in some form of separation or another, acquiring the relationship management skills necessary to ensure you have the right partner and keep it by being the right partner. NLP helps you understand and master the matrix of human and relational behaviors.

3. FOR BUSINESS LEADERS AND ENTREPRENEURS: To be successful in business, every business owner must master how to make money and manage people. Business leaders and their teams need to set and achieve powerful goals. With NLP, business leaders and entrepreneurs can master the art and science to set and achieve powerful goals and effectively manage their workforce.

4. LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS: The success of a Leader is determined by the success of his followers. Effective communication and motivation are essential factors for successful leadership.
NLP helps leaders to:
a. Understanding the neuropsychology of leadership

b. Understand human behavior and learn to unleash the potential of their subscribers

vs. Master the art of inspiring loyal followers

D. Master the art of leading and motivating high-level / performing teams

e. Master the art of vision creation, strategy formulation and execution

F. Do more with less

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can help you examine all areas of your life and move beyond the daily confusion of thoughts, in order to pursue your life goals.

Applying neuro-linguistic programming in your daily life can do this for you and many others. Why not equip yourself with this amazing technique by registering for our Certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which will take place from April 14 to 20, 2020 at the Olusola Lanre Coaching Academy (OLCA). For more information, call us on 08077077000 or send an email to [email protected]

The catalyst – Lanre Olusola

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