Is hypnosis the next big wellness trend?


As the past year makes us re-evaluate our habits and our health, the power of hypnosis is coming to the fore in a whole new way – here’s how you could Press on

If you’ve seen someone staring into space lately, they might not be daydreaming, even meditating. It is possible that they are in a state of deep hypnosis.

As 2021 moves forward and mental health issues like anxiety and depression hit an all-time high, many are looking for new wellness treatments that feel both holistic and new. Hypnosis is a fast emerging option – it’s even offered at large spas such as the Four Seasons New York City, and at various acupuncturists and yoga studios around the world.

“There has been an increase in the demand for hypnosis lately, which I think is due to several factors,” explains Ana Tucker, registered psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist. “COVID has made people assess the quality of their life in a new way and this life review sparked a desire to change old habits or situations that no longer serve them, such as ending an unhealthy relationship. or find more meaningful work. I also see a growth in neuroscience, a deeper understanding of neuroplasticity and the role hypnosis plays in changing the way we think, feel and experience the world. The power of hypnosis is coming to the fore in a whole new way.

So, you are wondering what exactly is hypnosis? If this sounds like meditation it sort of is, but it takes this focused thought to the next level: “The truth is that a guided meditation or visualization can be very similar to a hypnosis session.” , Explain Ewa Josefsson, certified hypnosis practitioner in Miami, Florida. “The main distinction is how much hypnosis focuses on changing your thoughts, unlike meditation which usually involves noticing, observing, and accepting your thoughts.” Hypnosis – or hypnotherapy as it is often called – uses guided relaxation, intense focus, and focus in an attempt to achieve an increased state of consciousness.

“Our emotional state is controlled by our subconscious… we cannot consciously convince ourselves to feel better” – Ana Tucker

Studies have shown that hypnosis has helped people quit smoking and feel less pain. “Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool in eliminating both anxiety and depression,” Tucker adds. “Our emotional state is controlled by our subconscious, and this part of the mind has what’s called the critical factor. The critical factor is considered a guardian of the subconscious mind and will not allow any information that does not match the established subconscious belief. This is why we cannot consciously convince ourselves to feel better.

During hypnotherapy, the conscious mind is able to relax and the critical factor is opened to new information. It is a line of direction in the autonomic nervous system, which controls feelings of anxiety, providing a sense of well-being. “A hypnosis session always begins with the practitioner asking you what you would like to change in your life – change is at the heart of what we do. Sometimes we even call it ‘change work’, ”adds Josefsson.

Hypnosis has been described many times in pop culture, so people tend to think of it as extreme treatment. But once distilled, the heart of hypnosis is just a tool for changing thoughts, behaviors, and habits. “It can be a way to eliminate harmful childhood beliefs, change habits like quitting smoking or doing more daily exercise, and it can also be a way to refine your mindset and to create the life you want, ”says Josefsson.

And while hypnosis can’t erase memories like in movies, it can reformat memories to make them less painful. It is often combined with counseling or therapy, in an attempt to help people block pain or see things differently. “We often think and feel that our personalities are set in stone, but in reality our self-talk and habits follow patterns that we have learned in the past – and they can be updated. “

“Change is at the heart of what we do. Sometimes we even call it ‘change work’ ”- Ewa Josefsson

If you are planning to try hypnosis yourself, there are several ways to test it. Some yoga classes make it an accent. Josefsson, for example, integrates her into the yoga classes she teaches. She uses positive affirmations to guide her students in a declaration of hypnosis. “During a yoga class, you can be more open to seeing, thinking and feeling something new, to experience a change in your state of mind.”

“Many qualified yoga teachers take this opportunity to make positive and uplifting suggestions, which is essentially a form of hypnosis whether they know it or not,” she explains. “If you’ve ever had a big reveal in a yoga class, then you know what I’m talking about! The teacher may have said a statement like “you are perfect right now” and although you have heard that phrase before, this time it really hit home. “

You can also do it yourself. Tucker recommends finding a comfortable private space to relax, have a hypnotic goal in mind, and write it down in positive language on a piece of paper, repeating the positive statement three times silently or aloud. After declaring your intention, close your eyes and take 10 slow, deep breaths to relax, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. “At this point, you can imagine yourself becoming more relaxed as you count down from ten to one, or imagine going down a staircase of ten steps,” she says.

“At the bottom of the stairs, imagine yourself in a safe healing space and repeat your hypnotic suggestion ten times. Allow yourself to feel the excitement that comes with reaching your goal and visualize yourself reaching your goal. When you feel ready, imagine walking up your stairs, then just open your eyes and enjoy your newfound ability.

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